I’m a

Creative Designer

With a passion for people, the outdoors, and storytelling.


My personal mission sounds pretty simple: “Leave the world a little bit better and brighter than the one I was born into.”

It’s been a lot harder in practice. I believe the best way to make a difference is in the everyday interactions I have, whether that be a simple and light conversation in the grocery store, or an in depth conversation of how to solve the problem in front of me. When the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted our world I was in the midst of welcoming home my first foster child. I helped transition the online service of the church I was working for from a simple webcam in the back of a long sanctuary to a high-quality service that fostered online interactions. When we could gather outside, we shifted again, hosting outdoor services in our parking lot and seeing a lot of new faces in a time of uncertainty.

Since then I’ve scaled down and focused in on what I love most: my family and enjoying nature. Landscape Designing was a major shift, and I had no experience. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and although I still have a lot to learn I finally feel as though I’ve found my fit.

How can I help you succeed? Reach out and let me know any time!

Over the past 15 years I’ve held many “important” titles. EMT, Firefighter, Emergency Department Technician, Associate Pastor, Photographer, Landscape Designer, and Small Business Owner. My favorites so far have been Dad (Foster or otherwise,) Brother, and “Hey You.”